Are you experiencing regular altercations in your relationship and feeling rather disconnected, frustrated, sadness, anger and pain with self and within your relationship? It’s can be so exhausting..

You may not like or want to hear this however, are you are viewing what going on mostly not one sided. What part have you played you your relationship?

🕺 It Takes Two to Tango Right?

Blaming and pointing the finger does not allow you to find a resolution and heal…
How can you resolve, reconnect or heal if we view it only from one side.
What I’m sharing with you in this post can be applied to any relationship, whether it be intimate, family or friend relationships.

Before I go on, I want to be CLEAR and stipulate that in no uncertain terms, this is not about EXCUSING a person’s behaviour for what they have done or how they behaved okay❗It’s about identifying WHY they behaved that way….

Rather it’s about sharing a different perspective, showing you how focusing ONLY on their behaviour, how they hurt you and what they need to change for you to forgive them… This does not serve YOU in any way moving forward.‼️
We can become so comfortable blaming others and making everything about us. Often to the point we get so blinded, causing us to not see the bigger picture, the whole situation because we are unaware we are now sitting in Victim Land…..😮😲😯😡

👏 ACCOUNTABILITY❗ Owning what part you played in it all… (You danced too remember )

I respect this is not easy to do especially when you’re feeling so disrespected, betrayed, hurt, sad, trapped, stuck, frustrated and so dam bloody angry…
I remember the emotional roller coaster I rode for years. The blame game I played it so well.. I felt sad, miserable and exhausted, so unaware of it at the time … Did I know WHY …. NO… yet I still bought into the BS stories I was telling myself..It did not serve my emotional and mindset health at all..

I stayed STUCK in that emotional unbalance !

When we are In any heightened emotional state whether it be anger, frustration or sadness unfortunately our logical processing ability is Just like a child feels when they are upset or having a tantrum, there is no logical reasoning with them in that moment. They are experiencing a heightened emotional state which causes them to feel temporarily in an unbalanced state.

❇ Deep breathing is the best tool to rebalance your emotional being in the moment ……..

💨 Take at least three deep slow breathes, if you still feel that emotional turmoil in your gut keep breathing until the feeling subsides…

🤔 Deep reflection is the tool used to identify, acknowledge and validate what part you played in the relationship, an argument or anything in your life..

This can be confronting to own your stuff and be accountable for it however, once you do, the freedom of self that you will feel is unbelievable and to know that it’s the beginning of your healing process journey is exciting…
Are you ready to get started?  It’s time to honour YOU!